
Monday, October 18, 2010

The Hotel Chronicles

This summer I got a new job working the front desk at a hotel.  I work with wonderful people and truly enjoy spending time there.  It's such a blessing to have a job you don't despise.
But sometimes there are stupid people.  And sometimes the crazy comes, usually in a mass amount all at the same time.
Tonight was one of those nights.  It started out with stupid people.  2 different guests couldn't figure out how to get the phones to work in their rooms.  Turns out with cordless phones you need to turn them on first.  I know, pretty mind blowing right?  Then there was 209 who needed to be talked through the process of retrieving a message on his phone...twice.  This process is also written out on a piece of paper, attached to the phone!  And of course there are always the people that have problems connecting to the internet.  Most people are just having problems with their individual computers and love to blame us for inconsistent internet connections which is always enjoyable, but tonight it was a special kind of stupid.  People needed to be walked through the connection process as though they didn't even know wireless internet existed.  Example:
Jessica: Ok sir now do you see a list of networks?
            Ok so now do you see Table Mountain Inn?
            Is it at the bottom?
            So now connect to the network.
            Do you see the button that says connect to the internet?
See what I mean, a special kind of stupid.
But stupid people I can deal with.  It's mean people that I have no patience for at all.  Tonight a woman called asking for a manager, always a scary way to start the conversation, and then proceeded to cuss me out because someone charged a debit card that she never gave us.  She literally suggested that someone at the front desk "looked up" her debit card number and has been charging it freely with no regards to her account.  I don't even know how to respond to that.  Luckily my boss is the most amazing person ever.
Anyway, I don't want to focus on this crazy person any longer that I already have, but it makes for some fun stories.  I don't doubt more will come from TMI.

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