
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dear Tom,

The squeaky wheel really does get the grease! :)  This post is dedicated written because of you.

I just got home from God Answers.  We got a panel of pastors and asked people for their best questions.  Last year was the first time InterVarsity put this on and it blew us all away.  So, this year I think people went in expecting a miracle again and at the start, not many people showed and I think that was a little discouraging to some.  Either way I was excited to listen to some answers to hard questions.

Then I was asked to pray for the event in a separate room with a few others.  My initial reaction was disappointment because I really did want to be in the room, but after starting to pray, I realized the huge honor and opportunity I was given.  We spent 2 1/2 hours in that room, not necessarily praying the entire time, with a little break in the middle.  That's the most time I've ever spent in prayer.

It was great because we had a specific thing we needed to pray for, but it was still very vague in that.  We all just prayed about what we felt called to, and had a couple people texting us about certain things that really needed prayer. That prayer was a conversation between me, God, and 4 other people, and that was incredible!  That is what group prayer should look like, and I would love to share that with others.  Ya, I don't really know what else to add.  I spent the last couple of hours sitting, but I still feel totally wiped.  That just took a lot out of me, but filled me up at the same time.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The past few days have been kinda weird for me.  It's been as though I haven't been the one living my life, I've just been observing people live around me. I've felt stuck in a bubble unable to connect to people; and this is a huge problem since I'm a relational person and need that connection.  But studying alone all day can do that to you, I guess.

I think thats when it started.  Tuesday was spent locked up in my room attempting to learn biochem.  And then large group was different.  It was really good, but I was put in a really different situation so what I got out of large group is much different than what others got out of large group.  This is only a problem when you are the person responsible for writing a blog about the evening to get others to interact and learn and reflect more.  So, ya, I'm just having a problem putting what I learned aside and writing for the group.

The relational bubble continued today with more studying, and then heading to work, which made it the weirdest Wednesday every.  But I got a Starbucks gift card, so not all was lost. Then it was bible study.  Lately, I've gone into bible study with low expectations or little energy, although there is absolutely no reason for me to do that.  But this amazing group of people never fail to brighten my day.  A couple weeks ago, we walked around the dorms and asked people to study a passage for a few minutes with us.  I was expecting so many no's, but every person me and Chris talked to said yes; the person wrapped in a towel ready to take a shower, the atheist doing homework, the boys playing video games; every single person.  And perhaps the best part was I got to follow Chris around and see him lead his friends.  I didn't do anything, and that was so amazing to see; to tangibly see God's faithfulness.

Tonight we had another great discussion.  Just really digging into the passage and asking questions that we can't answer.  Bible study is not something I do well, but it is so great to be surrounded by a group that so strongly desires answers.  They are not settled, they are not content with mediocre faith, they search for answers, they seek.  I can't even explain how much they have taught me.

And tomorrow I get to look at a room full of the group leading next year.  I am so excited to learn more from this group.  This year was so amazing, it's hard to think of even more being possible next year!