
Monday, November 29, 2010

The Finish Line

We're getting to that point of finally being done!! I can't believe this semester is almost over. It's been crazy. I've learned more this semester than any other one. It's been hard academically, but I have learned so much about myself. It's been a time I will look back on fondly, after I kill a professor or two.

Here's the final breakdown:
15 days (total days, not just school days)
1 paper
1 test
22 classes
5 finals

So much left to do still!! Now back to writing a paper...

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Real rest is hard to come by but I think I finally found it this break. I have not done homework since Monday night and it has been fantastic. My days have been incredibly busy, running everywhere and doing a million different things but I rested in that.

Today was a new type of relaxing. I didn't have a million things to do. In fact, I didn't do anything. Instead of writing a bio paper I made huge progress on the scarf I'm knitting (looks wonderful if you were wondering.) I also watched lots of T.V., and had a couple beers with some friends. Yeah, it's been relaxing. I feel rested, but also kind of lazy. It's time to be productive.

Tomorrow I'm kicking it into high gear. I'm gonna use this blog as some accountability again. By tomorrow night I would like to been done with my paper and all my note cards, as a minimum. I could also do some P Chem homework that I just found out about since my professor likes to be mean and doesn't post homework over break when we have time, but late on a Sunday night. I wouldn't have done the homework over break, I just would have liked to know about it...crazy teachers.

Hope you all had a relaxing and refreshing Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whoa Whoa Oh Oh!

Ke$ha read my mind when she wrote "Tik Tok."

I always wake up feeling like P Diddy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh Death

This is how I feel right now.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I have a problem...

I've recently noticed that when I sit down to talk to people, the conversations take about 2 hours.  We just keep talking, about everything and anything.  This is not necessarily a problem I feel I need to fix, I love talking to people, I just don't know how to stop...

I think talking and writing are the ways I process thoughts.  Without them, I get stuck in my head and start over-analyzing everything.  I love hearing other peoples thoughts and I always find myself feeling challenged after I talk to a friend.

So for those of you that have put up with my chattiness, thanks.  And if you've haven't had the opportunity yet, I would love to talk sometime :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Excuses, Excuses...

-Bio Test

-Thermo Homework
-Thermo Quiz
-P Chem Homework
-P Chem Test
-Spanish Test


-P Chem Quiz
-Fluids Test


There will be no more blogging this week.  My apologies.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Spiritual High

A good way to describe the place I'm in is high on Jesus.  This semester has been amazing and I have been so unbelievably blessed.

Bible study has been the source of most of my blessings.  I have an amazing co-leader and such a great group of people.  All of my fears have been proved insignificant.  I was scared to lead alone, turns out it was nothing to be scared of.  I was scared to invite people but we have an average of 12 people that come every week.  I was afraid to be asked questions and not know answers, but instead our freshman answer each others questions.  And I was afraid to pray, and God has worked through that also. 

Me and Daniel were talking about bible study one night and we decided to switch it up and each face one of our fears.  So I was opening the bible study in prayer and Daniel was bondly praying for healing for the mother of one of our bible studiers.  We prayed, and the cancer that had spread into her bones is no longer there.  I don't care if you want to explain it by coincidence or whatever kind of excuse you want to come up with.  We believed her to be sick, we prayed, and the next week she was better. 

God rocks.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

At A Loss For Words

This is a bad place to be in on a Tuesday night for me.  This is the second official week of the large group blog that I have been writing, and I've been loving using a blog as a medium to reach out to people.  It has been a blessing to have the responsibility to reflect and to encourage others to do the same. Week 2 seems like a pretty important week in the scheme of "marketing" the blog.  It is still new enough to spark peoples interest and they have now heard about it from several different sources.  Facebook brings 40 page views, emails bring 80, so as time goes on, people are starting to notice.

Unfortunately they are noticing the same week we have a sex and relationship talk at large group.  Don't get me wrong, I love relationships.  Relationships are how I see God.  I can see the beauty in a relationship that is striving towards God and I love how the relationship between God and the church is described by a marriage.

This topic does not make me uncomfortable at all, in fact it's a conversation I think I have had with almost all of my friends.  But I am scared to write this post for all of Intervarsity and Facebook friends to read.  How do I write broad enough to make everyone happy, try to limit making people uncomfortable, and still get the point across?

Monday, November 1, 2010


I differ from most in that I look forward to Monday.  It has become my favorite day of the week.  I always wake up early (6 am early) for work on Saturday and then 9 for church on Sunday.  Both days consist of work and homework and it generally isn't very restful.

But Mondays...Mondays are wonderful.  I don't have class til 2 and it's not a difficult class at that.  Just have to sit there for an hour and learn some bio. And Mondays nights are free.  This has been a rarity this semester and I love having the night to do whatever, generally homework, but still, I'm not required to go and be nice to people, which is sometimes hard.

This morning I actually set my alarm so I could finish homework but I was really productive.  Even after going to bed pretty late and not getting as much sleep as I would have liked I woke up refreshed, happy, and ready to start my day.  Homework got done quick and since I had a few hours I went shopping, not for myself this time :)  I had a few presents I needed to buy for people so I got to feel like I was accomplishing things.

Then, bio was canceled!!  So I relaxed, did some homework, cleaned my room. It's just been a really great day.  Three things checked off my To-Do List and its not even 5:30!  And now that I say that, three things doesn't seem like a huge deal, but it felt really great to get them done.  Now back to homework.