
Monday, October 3, 2011


I am so proud to be on leadership with such an amazing group of people.  A couple of weeks ago we were nearing the deadline for Fall Conference.  With a goal of 70 people and only 27 registered, we had a lot of work to do in 3 days.  80 names were written down and we committed to holding each other accountable to invite them.  It was overwhelming to think about.  

But God really moved in this moment.  In 3 days we nearly doubled our number, reaching 49 registered.  With an extension, the number was brought up to 63, and the last 7 people registered in the last couple of hours!  It was so amazing to get the updates and see God working through all of us leaders.  

I am getting so excited for Fall Conference because of the people we have going.  I wrote out the list of all 63 people yesterday and was so surprised at how long the list was!  I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to create close bonds with friends, to spend time in the mountains, and to focus on being filled and refreshed with the presence of God.  

So, to everyone that worked so hard to invite friends, thank you so much!  It's a blessing to know you and call you friends  :) 

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