
Monday, November 1, 2010


I differ from most in that I look forward to Monday.  It has become my favorite day of the week.  I always wake up early (6 am early) for work on Saturday and then 9 for church on Sunday.  Both days consist of work and homework and it generally isn't very restful.

But Mondays...Mondays are wonderful.  I don't have class til 2 and it's not a difficult class at that.  Just have to sit there for an hour and learn some bio. And Mondays nights are free.  This has been a rarity this semester and I love having the night to do whatever, generally homework, but still, I'm not required to go and be nice to people, which is sometimes hard.

This morning I actually set my alarm so I could finish homework but I was really productive.  Even after going to bed pretty late and not getting as much sleep as I would have liked I woke up refreshed, happy, and ready to start my day.  Homework got done quick and since I had a few hours I went shopping, not for myself this time :)  I had a few presents I needed to buy for people so I got to feel like I was accomplishing things.

Then, bio was canceled!!  So I relaxed, did some homework, cleaned my room. It's just been a really great day.  Three things checked off my To-Do List and its not even 5:30!  And now that I say that, three things doesn't seem like a huge deal, but it felt really great to get them done.  Now back to homework.

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