I feel like Mike right now. Running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Life's just been really busy. I have stuff going on all the time. Even the time spent being lazy I'm multitasking. But I am finally at a place of rest, for a few days at least.
I'm ready to spend some time by myself. I need to think, I need to remember. When life gets busy it's hard to realize all the ways that you are constantly being blessed and I think I am at that place. I am so happy and am not getting stressed amidst the crazy that is rapidly taking over my life, but I really can't remember the last time I put time aside to think about how wonderful my life is.
I don't see the "headless chicken routine" slowing down any time soon, but I am excited to see what happens in that. There are so many things in my life right now that have so much potential to bring joy and I can't wait to embrace that and live with total joy again.
In talking to a friend about spiritual vision for this semester, I was able to realize something that I'm missing and hope to bring back into my life again soon. I want to fall in love with God again. I need to feel His embrace and comfort and let Him take control. I want my cup to overflow with Him and everything He has given me. After feeling so alone and so forsaken, getting the slightest glimpse at what He has in store for this semester is already changing my entire world.